Pediatric Chiropractic
Chiro for Kids
At Enliven Functional Medicine, we pride ourselves on being a kid-friendly practice! Seeing a child walk through our doors is the highlight of our day! Pediatric adjustments are so very important, and as a father of two boys, Dr. Erickson shares your passion for pediatric health and wellness. He adjusted his boys in the first few hours of life! A large part of our waiting area is dedicated to fun with a huge chalkboard wall and iPad station, plenty of toys and books. It’s a calming environment - a place kids love to come, and don’t want to leave!
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Ear Infections
  • Common Cold
  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Digestive Problems
  • Acid Reflux
  • Hiatal Hernia
  • Growing Pains
  • Scoliosis
  • Bed Wetting
  • Breastfeeding Difficulties
  • Birthing Trauma
  • Headaches
  • Sports Injuries
When is it too early to have my child adjusted?
We see many children in their first few weeks of life! The birth process, no matter how natural or uneventful, is a stressful event for an infant. This is even more true when the birth involves use of the hands, forceps, or vacuum extraction to pull the child from the birth canal or if a C-section was performed.
Is chiropractic care safe for children?
Yes! There have been several large-scale research studies verifying the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care for kids. The amount of force used to adjust an infant is comparable to the amount of force you use to test a ripe tomato at the grocery store. Chiropractors have been helping kids lead healthier lives for over 100 years. Dr. Erickson
Is chiropractic care for kids different than chiropractic for adults?
Although the basic premise for chiropractic care is the same whether the patient is 80 years old or 8 months old, the ever-growing and changing active little bodies of children have distinct needs depending on their stage of development. Generally, children respond much faster and more profoundly to chiropractic care than adults do. They have not subjected their bodies to the same years of abuse that adults have. Another major difference is that pain is not a primary system. This can make it more difficult for parents to know when kids need to visit their chiropractor. There are certain “clues” that we can watch for to gain more understanding in this area, such as postural changes, only wanting to breastfeed from one side, being off-balance, and running with a limp.
When should I start bringing my kids in for adjustments?
It is never too early to bring your child to the chiropractor. Infants just minutes old are often checked by the loving hands of the family chiropractor, and it is not uncommon to stop by the chiropractor’s office on the way home from the hospital. The birthing process is physically strenuous for both mom and baby, so it is best to get them both cared for as soon as possible afterwards. That being said, it is never too late either. Children may enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care at any age or stage of development.
Chiropractic for kids will vary as much as chiropractic for adults. As mentioned above, it is often difficult to know when your kids need to see the chiropractor because they do not generally present with pain. To help with this issue, we recommend setting regular Chiropractic Well-Child visits, the same way you would with your dentist and pediatrician. These help catch minor issues before they turn into major problems and allow kids to truly maximize their healthy potential.
Particular times to consider bring kids in for an appointment include:
  • Major milestones (such as starting to sit up, crawl, walk, etc.).
  • If your child experiences any trauma or falls.
  • If you notice any signs of imbalance or misalignment such as limping, head tilting, hip rotation, feet turning inward or outward, toe walking, scoliosis etc.
  • When they become active in sports and physical activity.
  • If your child becomes ill such as with an ear infection, sinus infection etc.
  • If your child is experiencing digestive or elimination issues.
  • If your child is experiencing sleep difficulties.
  • If your child is reporting headaches.
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Functional Medicine Pittsburgh, PA

Enliven Functional Medicine - Located in Wexford, PA - Enliven is an uncommon integrative practice dedicated to helping patients overcome illness and disease through an entirely holistic approach. Enliven Functional Medicine ChiropracticWellness Chiropractor Physician Dr.Noah Erickson ChiropracticPhysician Innovative Family Wellness InnovativeFamilyWellness Chiropractic PhysicianPittsburgh Pa Pitsburgh Boardman Ohio Chiropractor MedicalAcupuncturist acupuncture acupunctureBoardman acupuncturePittsburgh OH SmokingCessation Smoking Treatments Quit Smoking Treatments AURICULOTHERAPY UniqueTreatments Epigenetics genetics DNA Destiny PittsburghChiropractor medicalChiropractor chiropractic familychiropractor family noaharc health help hope InnovativeFamilyWellness AURICULOTHERAPY Pittsburgh PA BoardmanOhio Boardman Ohio OH Chiropractor Chiropractic PhysicianChiropracticWellness Chiropractor Physician Dr.Noah Erickson ChiropracticPhysician Epigenetics genetics Innovative Family Wellness InnovativeFamilyWellness Chiropractic PhysicianPittsburgh Pa Pitsburgh Boardman Ohio Chiropractor MedicalAcupuncturist acupuncture acupunctureBoardman acupuncturePittsburgh OH SmokingCessation Smoking Treatments UniqueTreatments PittsburghChiropractor medicalChiropractor chiropractic familychiropractor family noaharc health help hope InnovativeFamilyWellness Pittsburgh PA dietary protocols dietary protocols dietary protocols dietary protocols BoardmanOhio Boardman Ohio OH Chiropractor Chiropractic PhysicianChiropracticWellness Chiropractor Physician Dr.Noah Erickson ChiropracticPhysician Innovative Family Wellness InnovativeFamilyWellness Epigenetics genetics Chiropractic PhysicianPittsburgh Pa Pitsburgh Boardman Ohio Chiropractor MedicalAcupuncturist acupuncture acupunctureBoardman acupuncturePittsburgh OH SmokingCessation Smoking Treatments UniqueTreatments PittsburghChiropractor medicalChiropractor chiropractic familychiropractor family noaharc health help hope InnovativeFamilyWellness Pittsburgh PA BoardmanOhio Boardman Ohio OH Chiropractor Chiropractic PhysicianChiropracticWellness Acne Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue Allergies Allergies Anemia Arthritis Asperger’s Asthma Autism ADD ADHD PDD-NOS Bed Wetting Benign Positional Vertigo Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia Bladder Problems Brain Fog Candidiasis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Celiac’s Disease Chronic Fatigue Circulatory Problems Colic Constipation Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Cystic Breast Disease Depression Anxiety OCD Diabetes Digestive Problems Diverticultis/Diverticulosis Down Syndrome Eczema/Psoriasis Emphysema Fibromyalgia Food Allergies Food Cravings Gallbladder Problems GERD Gout Hair Loss/Hair Thinning Headaches and Migraines Heart Disease Hiatal Hernia High Cholesterol Hormone Imbalances Hypertension Hypoglycemia Hypothyroidism/Hyperthyroidism Immue Deficiencies Inadaequate Breast Milk Production Infertility Insomnia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Lyme’s Disease Malnutrition Memory Problems Meniere’s Disease Menopause and PMS Symptoms Menstrual Irregularities Mood Swings Multiple Sclerosis Obesity Osteoporosis Parasites Parkinson’s Disease Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Prostate Problems 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