Medical Weight Loss
What is our Weight Loss Strategy?
There are many different approaches to weight loss. Not every patient responds to the same method. What works for one patient, may not work as well for another patient, and this can add to the frustration one experiences when they are trying to lose weight and keep it off!
At Enliven Functional Medicine, our goal is to primarily address the reason for the weight gain... or even weight loss. Is it a hormone imbalance? Is it high cortisol levels because of high stress? Is it poor diet or lack or exercise? Is it chronic illness or injury? Is it an undiagnosed metabolic disorder? Once we determine the cause or causes of the weight gain through metabolic testing, food allergy testing or standardized blood work, we can address those imbalances with a customized diet, personalized supplement plan and recommended exercise plan. Once we determine the source of the problem, it makes losing the weight much more achievable.
Dr. Erickson will do a thorough review of each patient's medical history and will take ample time with every patient to help them understand the reasons why their weight loss attempts have been unsuccessful in the past. He will custom-design a weight loss program, as well as a specialized diet and supplement plan for each patient which takes into consideration any food allergies or intolerances as well as any metabolic disorders that would have been detected with testing.
Acupuncture for Weight Loss
As an adjunct therapy to diet modification and exercise, we offer the service of acupuncture for weight loss. The stimulation of particular acupuncture points can be of great assistance in weight loss and an excellent companion to a healthy, well-balanced diet. Certain acupuncture points can be effective for appetite suppression and control of cravings.
What are my Testing Options?
  • Nutrient Testing (vitamins and minerals)
  • Complete GI Panel
  • Food Allergy & Sensitivity Testing
  • Salivary Cortisol Testing
  • Comprehensive Hormonal Panels
  • SIBO Testing
  • Conventional Bloodwork
  • Comprehensive Thyroid Testing
What is the Cause of Weight Gain?
For a small group of people, switching to a clean, anti-inflammatory diet is helpful in losing weight, yet isn’t quite enough to get them all the way to their weight loss goal. If this sounds familiar to you, it’s very likely that there are underlying health issues sabotaging your weight loss. We’ll investigate what the underlying health issues might be, how you can overcome them, and what your options are for appropriate diagnostic testing.
1. Underactive Thyroid
It’s estimated that 20 million Americans have a thyroid problem, and up to 60% of them are completely unaware of it. Hypothyroidism, which is having an underactive thyroid, accounts for 90% of all thyroid imbalances, and one of the primary symptoms of hypothyroidism is unexplained weight gain or the inability to lose weight.
This is because your thyroid is responsible for regulating many of your body’s processes, including metabolism. So if your thyroid is underactive, your metabolism slows down and your overall energy production decreases. In addition to an inability to lose weight, hypothyroidism can lead to fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, muscle and joint pain, hair loss, constipation, brain fog, and a low body temperature.
If you suspect that you may have an underactive thyroid, it’s important to get a complete thyroid panel to receive a proper diagnosis. Rather than ordering one or two tests, we will order a full thyroid panel, which gives us a complete picture and thorough understanding of your thyroid health.
2. Chronic Stress
You’ve likely heard that stress contributes to weight gain. When you experience stress, your body releases a flood of cortisol, the hormone that powers your fight or flight response. One unfortunate side effect of cortisol is that it can actually cause you to gain weight and prevent you from losing weight. Furthermore, when you’re chronically stressed, your cortisol levels go up and stay up, which can cause progressive weight gain or a weight loss plateau.
Numerous studies have shown that when animals are stressed, they gain weight, even if they’re eating the same number of calories as they did before they were stressed. These studies also show stressed animals gain more weight than unstressed animals eating the exact same number of calories.
If you are having difficulty losing weight, take an honest look at your daily stress levels. Are you constantly feeling overrun and overworked? Are you doing anything to reduce stress? If not, you’ll want to incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your program. We can help you determine if your levels of cortisol are elevated by ordering some simple testing which will give us accurate information about your cortisol levels throughout the day.
3. Other Hormonal Imbalances
Imbalances in thyroid and stress hormones are common causes of an inability to lose weight, though they’re not the only hormones that can cause an issue. Imbalances in insulin and sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) are also common culprits of stubborn weight.
When insulin and blood sugar levels are off, it can cause sugar cravings, weakness, irritability, and excess belly fat. An imbalance in sex hormones can lead to an inability to lose weight, in addition to muscle loss, poor sleep, memory problems, and sexual difficulties.
As a provider of functional hormone testing, we’re able to order relevant hormone testing which would provide us with insight into whether or not a hormone imbalance could be the cause of your weight loss struggles.
4. Toxic Overload
Today’s modern world is filled with dangerous chemicals, heavy metals, medications, and other toxins that can wreak havoc on your endocrine system. Many of the toxins in your foods, water, personal care and household products, including shampoo, lotion, candles, and makeup, mimic the activity of hormones such as estrogen. These hormones are called xenoestrogens.
Xenoestrogens are “foreign” estrogens, substances that are close enough in molecular structure to estrogen that they can bind to estrogen receptor sites with potentially hazardous outcomes. Sources of Xenoestrogens include plastics, pesticides, chemicals, and water systems.
This disruption in your natural hormonal cycle can cause an inability to lose weight, as well as other more serious issues, including autoimmune diseases. We can educate you in the process of removal of these substances, help you reduce your toxic load, and help you support your body in its natural detoxification processes.
Methyl B12 Injections for Weight Loss
As part of our weight loss program, we often recommend the addition of Methyl B12 injectable therapy. Patients may choose to come to the office to receive them from our staff, or be provided with them to self-administer at home.
When addressing your weight loss needs, it’s always worth considering whether or not a particular nutrient deficiency is playing a role in your weight loss journey. Injections use a concentrated serum of this vitamin to optimize its impact on your energy levels and metabolism, and can be far more effective than the pill form. Low B12 levels can make you feel sluggish and slow your metabolism, which can affect your weight and ability to lose weight. In our experience, Methyl B12 injections can be a positive addition to the weight loss plan, and a wonderful resource,l particularly for:
  • Vegetarians
  • People who are prone to anemia
  • People with certain digestive disorders, specifically Crohn’s disease and celiac disease
  • Older individuals (as the digestive system’s ability to naturally absorb B12 decreases over time)
Vitamin B12 helps convert food into energy and stimulate metabolism so you burn more calories throughout your day, and boost your energy and metabolism. It works by providing the body with a high dose of vitamin B12, which helps in the breakdown of fats and proteins for energy production. The shot can also help improve mood, focus, and concentration, as well as aiding in weight loss by increasing your metabolic rate and burning more calories. In addition, the extra vitamin B12 can also increase cell repair processes which helps slow down signs of aging.
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Medical Weightloss Wexford, PA

Enliven Functional Medicine - Located in Wexford, PA - Enliven is an uncommon integrative practice dedicated to helping patients overcome illness and disease through an entirely holistic approach. Enliven Functional Medicine ChiropracticWellness Chiropractor Physician Dr.Noah Erickson ChiropracticPhysician Innovative Family Wellness InnovativeFamilyWellness Chiropractic PhysicianPittsburgh Pa Pitsburgh Boardman Ohio Chiropractor MedicalAcupuncturist acupuncture acupunctureBoardman acupuncturePittsburgh OH SmokingCessation Smoking Treatments Quit Smoking Treatments AURICULOTHERAPY UniqueTreatments Epigenetics genetics DNA Destiny PittsburghChiropractor medicalChiropractor chiropractic familychiropractor family noaharc health help hope InnovativeFamilyWellness AURICULOTHERAPY Pittsburgh PA BoardmanOhio Boardman Ohio OH Chiropractor Chiropractic PhysicianChiropracticWellness Chiropractor Physician Dr.Noah Erickson ChiropracticPhysician Epigenetics genetics Innovative Family Wellness InnovativeFamilyWellness Chiropractic PhysicianPittsburgh Pa Pitsburgh Boardman Ohio Chiropractor MedicalAcupuncturist acupuncture acupunctureBoardman acupuncturePittsburgh OH SmokingCessation Smoking Treatments UniqueTreatments PittsburghChiropractor medicalChiropractor chiropractic familychiropractor family noaharc health help hope InnovativeFamilyWellness Pittsburgh PA dietary protocols dietary protocols dietary protocols dietary protocols BoardmanOhio Boardman Ohio OH Chiropractor Chiropractic PhysicianChiropracticWellness Chiropractor Physician Dr.Noah Erickson ChiropracticPhysician Innovative Family Wellness InnovativeFamilyWellness Epigenetics genetics Chiropractic PhysicianPittsburgh Pa Pitsburgh Boardman Ohio Chiropractor MedicalAcupuncturist acupuncture acupunctureBoardman acupuncturePittsburgh OH SmokingCessation Smoking Treatments UniqueTreatments PittsburghChiropractor medicalChiropractor chiropractic familychiropractor family noaharc health help hope InnovativeFamilyWellness Pittsburgh PA BoardmanOhio Boardman Ohio OH Chiropractor Chiropractic PhysicianChiropracticWellness Acne Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue Allergies Allergies Anemia Arthritis Asperger’s Asthma Autism ADD ADHD PDD-NOS Bed Wetting Benign Positional Vertigo Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia Bladder Problems Brain Fog Candidiasis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Celiac’s Disease Chronic Fatigue Circulatory Problems Colic Constipation Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Cystic Breast Disease Depression Anxiety OCD Diabetes Digestive Problems Diverticultis/Diverticulosis Down Syndrome Eczema/Psoriasis Emphysema Fibromyalgia Food Allergies Food Cravings Gallbladder Problems GERD Gout Hair Loss/Hair Thinning Headaches and Migraines Heart Disease Hiatal Hernia High Cholesterol Hormone Imbalances Hypertension Hypoglycemia Hypothyroidism/Hyperthyroidism Immue Deficiencies Inadaequate Breast Milk Production Infertility Insomnia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Lyme’s Disease Malnutrition Memory Problems Meniere’s Disease Menopause and PMS Symptoms Menstrual Irregularities Mood Swings Multiple Sclerosis Obesity Osteoporosis Parasites Parkinson’s Disease Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Prostate Problems Recurrent Ear Infections Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Restless Leg Syndrome Epigenetics genetics Rheumatoid Arthritis Sarcoidosis Seizures Sinus Problems TMJ Tourette’s Syndrome Ulcers Upper Respiratory Infections Vision Problems Pittsburgh Pa Boardman Oh Chiropractor Chiropractic AUTISM DOCTOR PITTSBURGH AUTISM DOCTOR PITTSBURGHAUTISM AUTISMPITTSBURGHDOCTOR AUTISMDOCTORPITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH AUTISM DOCTOR PITTSBURGH AUTISM DOCTOR PITTSBURGHAUTISM AUTISMPITTSBURGHDOCTOR AUTISMDOCTORPITTSBURGH PITTSBURGHAutism Doctor ChiropracticWellness Chiropractor Physician Dr.Noah Erickson ChiropracticPhysician Innovative Family Wellness InnovativeFamilyWellness Chiropractic PhysicianPittsburgh Pa Pitsburgh Boardman Ohio Chiropractor MedicalAcupuncturist acupuncture acupunctureBoardman acupuncturePittsburgh OH SmokingCessation Smoking Treatments Quit Smoking Treatments AURICULOTHERAPY UniqueTreatments Epigenetics genetics DNA Destiny PittsburghChiropractor medicalChiropractor chiropractic familychiropractor family noaharc health help hope InnovativeFamilyWellness AURICULOTHERAPY Pittsburgh PA BoardmanOhio Boardman Ohio OH Chiropractor Chiropractic Functional, Medicine, Wexford, Pittsburgh, Boardman, Chiropractor, Wellness, Treatments, Acupuncture, Personalized, Nutrition, Testing, Autism, Therapy, Biomedical, Craniosacral, WeightLoss, QuitSmoking, PA, ChiropracticWellness, Physician, Dr.Noah Erickson, ChiropracticPhysician, AUTISMDOCTOR, AUTISM DOCTOR, PITTSBURGH, AUTISMDOCTORPITTSBURGH, Chiropractic Physician Pittsburgh, Boardman Ohio Chiropractor, MedicalAcupuncturist, Epigenetics, Genetics, GeneticDestiny, ChangingGenetics, Auriculotherapy, Healthcare, acupunctureBoardman, acupuncturePittsburgh, SmokingCessation, Smoking Treatments, UniqueTreatments, dietary protocols, PittsburghChiropractor, medicalChiropractor, chiropractic, familychiropractor, health, help, hope, Acne Treatments, Adrenal Fatigue, Adrenal Fatigue, Allergies, Anemia, Arthritis, Asperger’s, Asthma, ADD, ADHD, PDD-NOS, Bed Wetting, Benign Positional Vertigo, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Bladder Problems, Brain Fog, Candidiasis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Celiac’s Disease,Chronic Fatigue, Circulatory Problems, Colic, Constipation, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Cystic Breast Disease, Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Diverticultis/Diverticulosis, Down Syndrome, Eczema/Psoriasis, Emphysema, Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Food Cravings, Gallbladder Problems, GERD, Gout, Hair Loss, Hair Thinning, Headaches, Migraines, Heart Disease, Hiatal Hernia, High Cholesterol, Hormone Imbalances, Hypertension, Hypoglycemia, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Immue Deficiencies, Inadaequate Breast Milk Production, Infertility, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lyme’s Disease, Malnutrition, Memory Problems, Meniere’s Disease, Menopause, PMS Symptoms, Menstrual Irregularities, Mood Swings, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Parasites, Parkinson’s Disease, 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